- "behave yourself would you, no homework! Watch sone porn!" #supernatural #
- RT @GeneHunt Gene's 4th law of physics: The more streamlined a woman is, the greater resistance she offers. #
- RT @GeneHunt There's only one sort of 'man bag' a man should carry and that's the one God gave him. #
- RT @dick_turpin ipad for the elderly http://ping.fm/h3f2t #
- Twitter OSX client seems ok; once you realise apple+N is for a new tweet. #appstore #twitter #
- Snow. Go away. Don't even think about falling. I want to play hockey tomorrow. That is all. #
- RT @joshprice Top tip: Pay for your homeopathic medicine with a glass of water that's had a $100 note dipped into it #
- Too many tweets.
Not enough time.
'Ctrl-a – mark as read' type behaviour by me. # - Dripping tap 1 : 0 David. #Grr #
- No, I know all I am and we are not to blame. …. Prepare yourself for the subjugation. #zto #
- RT @wonkothesane http://imgur.com/fDAQd – language barrier <- nice
- Do all taps take the same sized washer? #dripdripdrip #
- Thunderbird 2 in action !!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12110386 # - My minions seem to be boasting about how much caffeine they need to drink to get through the day. Clearly they've had too much time off… #
- Today it seems @rowangoodwin is sleeping in. Why couldn't he do this before when we didn't have to get up? #
- Rowan is very cute and cuddly lying asleep on my shoulder. #snoreSnore #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-02
- When my mother complains I'm really quiet on the phone what she really means is that her phone handset volume is turned down very low. #
- "They were saying on radio 4 that there's a new iPhone germ" said my mother. #
- RT @carolinegoodwin so it seems my nephew doesn't want a bath & possesses lungs capable of informing all of this situation. Dad 1:0 toddler #
- Wetherspoons. You need more staff. Especially on a busy evening. #
- Last run, shower and shave of the year complete. #randomcrap #
- A modern curse: "May all your presents be delivered by City Link" <- @aypok !! #
- Bad asda has no LCD tvs left. I predict a day driving now. Grr. #
- Tron. In 2D. Because I'm a Luddite. #
- STBXW is dressed like her MIL. #
- RT @KevlinHenney RT @sf105 Why Companies Should Insist that Employees Take Naps http://is.gd/jIWFK <- interesting. #
- RT @webmonkeyash Gingerbread house complete and ready to eat! http://flic.kr/p/95H45J <- Nom Nom looks good and yummy. #
- Bromsgrove dog owners – snow does not remove your responsibility to clean up after your dog. Dog shit is not a grit substitute. #
- Pudding #1 lost due to baby meddling. #
- RT @gadgetlab How zip ties can help you bike through a blizzard http://bit.ly/fbLcXs <- too late now !
- My iPod Shuffle is dead; any recommendations for equivalent players? Needs to be small, decent battery life; iTunes sync would be nice
- The rain sounds very nice and relaxing. Hopefully we'll be snow and ice free soon
- http://sickipedia.org/ – plenty of jokes there…. #
- Laundered money (with a distinctive tracking colour) http://twitpic.com/3k5tdo #WalletsDoNotNeedWashing #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-26
- RT @metofficeWMids EARLY Warning of Heavy Snow for West Midlands valid from 0001 Tue 28 Dec to 2359 Tue 28 Dec http://bit.ly/f2JWlL meh meh #
- Only another 364 day to go …. #
- The icicles are falling off the house. I guess this is a good sign (thaw) #
- Wondering if we should record the "x factor" wannabes next door…. #HowlingDogsAreBetter #
- It sounds like there are a pack of dogs howling next door. (karaoke present obviously arrived). #
- Merry Christmas everyone. #
- Due to austerity (reindeer fleet) cuts, Christmas will be spread over two days next year to give Santa time to visit all good children. #
- http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/incident.png <- Sudo failures go to Santa! #
- Wondering why amazon have sent a "it's shipped" email after the present has actually arrived. #
- Local snow 'sculpture' http://twitpic.com/3ivij1 #
- Drunk reindeer ? http://twitpic.com/3ioxus #
- Hello winter wonderland place (telford). Now. Where have you hidden Santa? #
- Car De-snowed. Now minion pickup and gleeclub #
- Wondering what would make anyone set an Apache DocumentRoot to /home/something … #messy #
- RT @metofficeWMids FLASH Warning of Heavy Snow for West Midlands valid from 0200 Wed 22 Dec to 1400 Wed 22 Dec http://bit.ly/eNdwx0 #
- RT @birminghampost Met Office warns of up to 25cm more snow to fall in West Midlands http://tinyurl.com/27txv9p <- hrmph. Had enough now. #
- RT @birminghampost Cadbury to downsize Dairy Milk bars http://twurl.nl/wsz4wl <- good news for dieters! #
- .@StormySan we demand proof you've made it. Photo of wedding with today's paper? #stormyWILLgettothewedding #whatWillGoWrongToday ?
in reply to StormySan #
- Tellybellys, Tellybellys…. Stinky winkie, Dip shit, lard arse, poo….. I really out to not sing this variant in front of @RowanGoodwin #
- Anyone using zabbix have any suggestions to help stop the server being an I/O hog? #
- RT @OfficialSanta ☆★ ONLY 100 HOURS TIL CHRISTMAS ★☆ HoHoHo ☆★ #
- RT @instruct Holy Shit!! anyone else seen what is at no 66 in the charts?!!! http://bit.ly/foWyh3 #
- 2 weeks ago, the slightest chance of frost saw the roads covered in grit/salt. Now they're snowed over, the council seem not bothered. WTF? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-19
- M5 around Bromsgrove looks fine. A38 passable (Tarmac visible, slush etc) Stourbridge road – still White and poor. #
- Looks like @StormySan has a creeper following him. #
- Tractor stuck and snowed in! http://twitpic.com/3h2q36 #
- We now have a Spa shop on Broad St, Bromsgrove. Opening hours 0700-2300. #
- RT @adventbot There are 7 days to go until Christmas! #
- Somewhat glad we're not heading off to Presteigne today. #
- #uksnow ld8 8/10 – 6+ inches of snow apparently. #
- #uksnow b61 4/10 http://twitpic.com/3h0u3m (stupid camera seems to not see snow flakes) #
- #uksnow 3/10 b61 – falling lightly. about 1cm on ground. #
- RT @glynmoody TSA misses enormous, loaded handgun in carry-on bag http://bit.ly/g5YOfx "failure rate approaches 70 percent at some airports" #
- More please? #frequentlyaskedquestions #
- Oh noes! someone's broken Facebook! Panic! Panic! #
- Now for the coughing fit after getting in from a run. Still, no one honked me – and I wore shorts. Swan Lane (fairfield, b61) pretty slippy. #
- Bromsgrove's 'Breakfast Club Meeting' sent an invite @ 01:36am for 08:00am meeting. Odd I didn't make it… #fail #business #networking #
- I've just signed a petition to end to the #WikiLeaks crackdown. Sign up @Avaaz http://avaaz.org/wkl and please RT! #
- Let's try for a nappy free night @RowanGoodwin #DangerWillRobinson #
- RT @asda downloadable colouring-in pages for kids http://bit.ly/igeOfl #
- RT @johngirvin Some people are like Slinky springs. Generally useless, but they make you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs. #
- RT @rowangoodwin Good boy Daddy!!!! #
- WebScale Database technology – http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6995033/ – #MySQL #MongoDB #lolz #
- Xmas shopping for customers seems full of pain. Wine? Red or White? Where from? How much? … it just seems too much effort. #apathy #
- I'm not following you and I'm not some weirdo off the Internet…. But can I watch ? #textyougetfromastalker #
- My minions appear to have been studying the codebase to a newly open-sourced PHP project… *ahem* #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12
- RT @brucel So *that's* what Facebook is for http://strikegently.tumblr.com/post/2172591844 #
- Open fire, draught hobgoblin, no modern music. Nice pub. #Loughborough #thewhitehart #
- Wondering what all the people are queuing for – off Holloway Circus (Birmingham). #
- Bromsgrove roundtable's sleigh looks great. (On the high street now. ) #
- Exim #security #fail http://lwn.net/Articles/419495/ #
- It only took three attempts and a bank anti fraud phone call to buy my mother her MacBook. Odd the Apple store doesn't do verifiedByVisa? #
- Railgun developed by U.S. Navy can hit targets 100 miles away – http://bit.ly/f7DYhG <- Bow to your US Naval overlords. #
- Stupid twitter; do you now know I'm not in Walsall and haven't been there for years? #
- Interesting that my LloydsTSB business banking card reader is compatible with my Nationwide account…. silly banks. #
- Quick! Shoot the giant monster toddler while it's not looking!! http://twitpic.com/3e4tj8 #
- The minions are impressed (?) with me introducing them to http://www.stairporn.org/ (Safe For Work and young eyes) #
- I'll just put my left over dinner in the fridge, to keep warm… #
- Curtains frozen onto the window, and the heating was on all night. Brrr. It does look lovely outside, just a shame it's so cold. #
- Hard at work this morning. http://twitpic.com/3dfgtn #
- RT @StormySan "Don't worry about it, just spread your seed!". … uh…. yeah… nice advice Lyne… #wtf #tmi #
- Good morning Jack Frost. You were busy last night. #
- Apply the brake when walking away from your push chair – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8311289.stm Australia Train Baby #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-05
- .@rowangoodwin is still asleep. I wish I was. He's heading for 15 hours (with a few minor interruptions to be sick etc). #
- RT @Pewari Today’s xkcd is *awesome*: http://www.xkcd.com/829/ #
- At approximately 10:30am a tin of Roses was delivered to our office. By 3pm the tin was empty. #
- The car thinks it's -10'c outside. I wish there wasn't on the inside of the windscreen. #canWeHaveSomeRainInstead ? #
- 10 print "hello world" #
- RT @madeupstats We can reveal that 41% of FIFA votes went to the losing countries, and 74% of them to Russia. #
- 3/10 b61 #uksnow (slowly falling and sticking) #
- Why…. Hello mailman. *delete delete* #
- RT @noradsanta 1 more day until the 2010 NORAD Tracks Santa site goes live!! #Santa #
- RT @madeupstats Interestingly, 25% of graduates are involved in demonstrating*.
(*Mostly TVs and steam irons in branches of Currys) #
- And this evening I have an ill toddler who's probably over eaten and about to chuck. It seemed a good idea to persuade him to eat & drink #
- Today I mostly fixed a poorly office pc; replaced hard disk, replaced ubuntu with Debian and so on. Unproductive day. Even played l4d2…. #
- HOME has been mounted 45 times without being checked, check forced. <cue long wait/> #
- RT @madeupstats Tonight, 2,400 tonnes of salt were used in Scotland and the North.
(Chips sell well in this weather) #
- Amazon – I do not appreciate seeing stuff I've bought (at full price) on sale, the day it arrives. This is not fair. #
- Dying hard disk detected. Stupid computer / day. Grrr. #
- Crap morning. Toddler -> drs; Work desktop failing to work (now using mac mini); productivity——-
WordPress – selective proxy / firewalling
As mentioned before, I block most webservers I’m responsible for from making port 80 outbound requests. This helps reduce the likelihood of someone exploiting a vulnerability on one of the sites – as Apache wouldn’t be able to download some sort of root kit and so on.
Anyway, the firewall bit is relatively easy…. (This is shamelessly stolen from Bytemark)
/sbin/iptables -D OUTPUT -j no_www
/sbin/iptables –flush no_www
/sbin/iptables –delete-chain no_www
/sbin/iptables –new-chain no_www
/sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -j no_www
/sbin/iptables -A no_www -m state –state new –match owner –uid-owner www-data -o lo -j ACCEPT
# DNS queries are fine
/sbin/iptables -A no_www -m state –state new –match owner –uid-owner www-data –protocol udp –dport 53 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A no_www -m state –state new –match owner –uid-owner www-data –protocol tcp –dport 53 -j ACCEPT
# TCP/UDP/ICMP are blocked
/sbin/iptables -A no_www -m state –state new –match owner –uid-owner www-data –protocol tcp -j REJECT –reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited
/sbin/iptables -A no_www -m state –state new –match owner –uid-owner www-data –protocol udp -j REJECT –reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited
/sbin/iptables -A no_www –protocol icmp –match owner –uid-owner www-data -j REJECT –reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited
The annoying bit is that when this is done, WordPress’s admin panel becomes a bit useless… this can be cunningly fixed by editing the wp-config.php file and adding in something like :
if($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] == ‘’) {
define(‘WP_PROXY_HOST’, ‘’);
define(‘WP_PROXY_PORT’, ‘3128’);
define(‘WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS’, ‘localhost’);
So, if I’m browsing from my office PC, everything should just happily work.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-28
- I'm at the great shrine to Christmas – Webbs 'garden' centre. #
- I love waiting in a car queue. It makes my day. #
- Fixed Adium Facebook account – recreated using jabber protocol. Before users weren't appearing online. #
- RT @madeupstats Despite legal threats, the makers of Lynx deodorant won't stop us from informing you that 34% of their customers are virgins #
- B61 2/10 #uksnow (now melt so I can play hockey later) #
- RT @rowangoodwin Good boy daddy! Thanks for the lie in till 850. #
- 0/10 #uksnow b61 (and don't come until tomorrow evening else you'll ruin the hockey match tomorrow) #
- 4/10 (apparently) #uksnow ld8 #
- RT @GeneHunt If the Winter Olympics were held in the UK and it happened to snow for a couple of hours…they'd probably be cancelled. #
- RT @GeneHunt Why do people make snow men instead of snow women? I suppose it takes too long to hollow out the head. #
- Was Palin's gaffe intentional to get attention / in the press? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11840828) </cynical> #
- B61 0/10 #uksnow just bloody freezing. #
- RT @madeupstats A study has shown: people who have already completed their Xmas shopping are more likely to harm sweet little animals. #
- Hint: avoid Birmingham road in Bromsgrove today. Broken m5 = broken Bromsgrove. #
- Employees seem to be in shock after discovering a SQL join in legacy php code…. #
- RT @madeupstats Last week, a record 3,500 men entered Paris Hilton*.
(*To dispel ambiguity, the hotel is the chain's largest in Europe) #
- Submitted annual return to companies house; issued receipt for a different company (unique id fail) & then their website goes down. Result #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-21
- Wondering why a restaurant doesn't have it's opening times on it's website. #fail #
- Hockey: Bromsgrove 4ths v stourport, 5-0 win
- This toddler sized hot water bottle is quite good. #
- Not sure why Lord Young resigned; I think he's right (the recession hasn't been that bad… dealing with the debt from it will be) #
- Starting a KDE program results in my X server restarting. Grr. Bad Ubuntu. One more reason to bring in the Mac Mini to work perhaps. #
- To hockey, and beyond. #Bromsgrove #hockey #letsHopeItsOnTonight #
- Time to run up Stourbridge road to The Swan. Then Hockey. You may spot me glowing in the dark. #
- I now have some AstroTurf hockey trainers. Hopefully ill spend less time on the floor now…. #
- RT @madeupstats The latest study by the Learning Skills Council shows a fifth of the population (25%) lack basic arithmetic skills. #
- Tickets bought for the feb php conference in London. #
- Ring ring…."Hello sir… Would you like a water cooler?"… Me:"No thanks we only drink coffee here". #
- FFS. Quickbooks – WHY do I need to have a new serial type number to activate this fricking thing? Do you hate me as much as I hate you? #
- Yesterday I upgraded to Quickbooks 2010; now there's 160mb of updates and it's lost the ability to integrate with mail client (thunderbird) #
- Why do I need to register you quickbooks when you have all my details via a license key? #intuit #crap #quickbooks #annoyingpopup #
- RT @madeupstats Emo's owe their name to their love of 'emotional hardcore' music?
Where does this leave fans of country and western music? # - I was about to moan about the cold and frost. Then I saw the lovely blue sky. Time to cough my lungs up anyway. #
- Goodbye #Gregynog Until next year perhaps. #
Pidgin / MSN – ‘Unable to validate certificate’
Yesterday, I was forced to do some work, at work, when Pidgin failed to connect to MSN. It has a hard day.
I use Ubuntu Maverick on my desktop, and started out using the ‘stock’ Ubuntu version. As this wasn’t working, my first thought was to upgrade to the latest Pidgin release. Before I’ve compiled it from source, but this time I just used a PPA (see here)
But still, it didn’t work.
Time to rummage some more – and I found the following bug report – so I added in my 2p, and waited. Eventually the following solution came up :
- Within Pidgin, go to Tools -> Certificates and delete the one for omega.contacts.msn.com
- Visit https://omega.contacts.msn.com and download the SSL certificate (e.g. if using Firefox, click on the SSL icon in the URL bar and then export it (save to file)).
- From within pidgin’s ‘tools -> certificates’ Certificate Manager click add, and add in the SSL certificate you’ve just saved.
Now it works again.
What is vaguely curious is why Adium (which I use on my Macbook at home) didn’t have a problem – I thought they [Pidgin + Adium] were built off the same code base, and expected it to break, but it didn’t.