Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06

  • “@gpjt: I always wondered what those buttons on my camera did:” #
  • Landed: BCN. #
  • Sarcasm seems lost on Liverpudlians. #
  • Tweet tweet tweet #
  • Tweet tweet tweet #fb #
  • It's very relaxing listening to a baby sleeping on your chest. Slings rule. #
  • “@chartoftheday: CHART OF THE DAY: Here's How The Xoom Stacks Up To The iPad 2” <- interesting. Xoom > ipad2. #
  • OMG – best cookie EVER from Catshill bakery. Meal in a cookie – Nom Nom Nom. #
  • The king of hearts called for the tarts and beat the knave full sore. #
  • – Javascript has some interesting features…. #
  • Who will last longer: me cycling or Jenkins building a Php project? 1.5 hours and counting. No I understand large build servers.. #
  • “@StormySan: Boss just used a whois lookup to find out a friend's address. I find this awesome. #geek

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • “@GeneHunt: Had a plateful of Oysters and syrup of figs…didn't know whether I was coming or going.” #
  • Thanks to the organisers for #phpuk2011 Free beer and knowledge are always appreciated. 🙂 #
  • Shawn Hair eh ? #phpuk2011 you've won a prize … #
  • Web scale reminder – – #phpuk2011 #
  • Yey. A web scale slide 🙂 go go mongo. #phpuk2011 #
  • looks like the way forward. sweet. #phpuk2011 #
  • The "myspace are firing" t-shirts are great. #phpuk2011 #
  • “@bookmeme: The Microsoft guy is struggling with the word 'interoperability' #html5 #phpuk2011” <- HAHA, nice. #
  • wifi suffering – ssh connection almost unusable. boo hiss. #phpuk2011 #
  • A better hands up question might have been : #phpuk2011 or #phpuk11 🙂 #
  • “@rowan_m: Woo! Made it to #stampex let's get licking. Wait… Hold on.” #phpuk2011 #
  • All those weirdos going to stampex. Bloody geeks. #phpuk2011 #
  • Right train. Right time. Onwards to #phpuk2011 #phpuk11 #
  • It's not healthy getting up this early. #
  • OH sales droid .."Tim Berners-Lee invented TCP"… #
  • I'm switching to Oxfam for my water supply seeing as they can supply a family of four for £2, I reckon I'll save at least £1k a year… #
  • Selenium RC setup; same IE6 doesn't seem to want to join in the fun. #
  • Totaljobs just emailed asking if I'm "looking to train for a career in IT" … well, that sounds a good idea now… #fail #
  • “@glynmoody: TSA Source: Armed Agent Slips Past DFW Body Scanner – chocolate teapots, anyone? (v @laserfox) #security

Compsci Industrial placement year email

Now is obviously the time students are pulling their fingers out and thinking about industrial placement years.

Obviously I’d have a bias towards a certain university if I were looking for a student, but ignoring that, I received an email today from someone fishing for vacancies (this is ignoring the fact I’m not advertising for one, and I’m not sure we could accommodate one if we did).

Dear PalePurple,

I am a second year student at Blah Blah University, studying Computer Science BSc. I would be delighted if you could consider my application to any web development or Linux systems development work placements you may have available.

Yours sincerely,
A. Student

Anyway, here’s my response to them, which probably says enough on it’s own, without me having to selectively publish their CV.


For some random feedback: Your CV doesn’t really mention anything you may have done with your web development skills – aside from listing xhtml/css etc.

It’s also bare of anything you may have done with any sort of programming skill – what projects have you done inside/outside of university? You mention a group project, but gave me no idea what it involved.

Have you done anything outside of your course which shows some interest in the subject area (e.g. dabbled with Arduino devices, read about MVC/design patterns, been to an industry conference, joined a local user group, written some random program that does X in your spare time……… ).

If you are serious about web development, then you will need to mention sites you’ve created on your CV – these may just be sites of your own (i.e. they don’t have to be for real companies/entities) – all I would be interested in seeing is that you are interested in the field, have taken the time to learn about jQuery / CSS3 / HTML5 / whatever – which would put you towards the top of any potential interview shortlist and make you FAR, FAR more interesting as a potential employee!

Aside from the above, we’re not currently looking for an industrial placement student.


I have been thinking about getting an industrial placement student this year, but I’m not sure we have room in our office for a student.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20

  • Bromsgrove hockey 3xi vs Old Wulfs. Lost 11-2. #
  • I'll never grow up…. (thanks @carolinegoodwin) #
  • I'm sure that drinking one more beer will beat this cold into submission … #science #alcohol #germs #
  • Ping me on @pingchat at ID: david-goodwin – Send text, photos, videos, and other media to my phone for free! #
  • “@madeupstats: 40% of foreigners are racists*.

    *Source: BNP” #

  • Yep, as predicted, Ann Summers are making the most of 'The Year of the Rabbit'. #
  • …. Answer: soft play place. #
  • Three guesses for what a "children's experience centre" is….. #
  • 0b100000 aka 0x20 aka 2^5 aka 32. #
  • “@madeupstats: David Cameron isn't out of touch: A third of his closest friends are unemployed (Heirs and landowners, mostly)” #
  • Customer offered to pay me in beer. I declined, but he's still sending a case through. Result! #
  • Walking. It's so slow. #iMissMyBike #
  • The chain just snapped on my bike 🙁 It's only ~1 month old. Decathlon–
    Luckily I was just arriving at my destination. *sigh*. #
  • “@birminghampost: Worcester hospital pays compensation to parents of stillborn baby " #
  • A mouse took a walk in a deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good….. "come and have tea in my underground house"… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13

  • Cat poo on the windscreen. :-/ #
  • I leave Rowan with his mum and look what happens ! #
  • “@ChairmumMiaow: Bribed toddler to leave me alone to paint my nails by doing his 🙂 #
  • Bromsgrove 3 xi hockey vs bridgenorth … We lost 10-0 🙁 #
  • It's the weekly "where is everyone? We're 2 men down" pre-hockey match discussion … #
  • I think need some help with the SEO service they claim to offer. #fail #imageAsHomePage #
  • “@moobert: ♥ yo ho ho by Captain Dan & The Scurvy Crew #lastfm” #
  • Why is a customer asking me to delete their emails for them? Shift+arrow key too much work? #whatAmIMissing #
  • “@w00teh: on #Nokia #039;s choices: #epocalypse #feb11” #
  • “@madeupstats: Costing only £85 per year, Ugg Boots are statistically the most reliable and best value female contraceptive.” LOL #
  • "The train clock in bed" … What does
    My son dream about ? #
  • Wondering how common it is for people to mis-spell their surname when sending an invite to linkedin….. #
  • “@chedderz: The best and most appropriate name for a car ever – spotted in my work car park – genius” #
  • “@GeneHunt: I find myself looking down on women who insist on showing their cleavage.” #
  • .@aypok's latest purchase: Sega master system scope 3d set …. #sega #geek #retro #
  • Crap start to the day: Internet banking login card has magically stopped working. #lloydstsb I hate you. #
  • What does it say about mr if I dream of eating whiskers cat food? The taste seemed quite vivid when I woke. Yuck. #
  • Now I'm wondering where the nut, which was on the floor, I saw the other day has gone…. #bike #
  • Guess I'd better get cycling…. Perhaps an albums worth. Ocean machine is worth it 🙂 #
  • A bread free day! Whatever next? Let's just gloss over the chocolate work biscuits ('customer') & the costa hot choc & half gingerbread man #
  • Jobcentre a'review': "Had a useless trainee and a woman with the typing speed of a toddler giving me bad advice!" (no, I'm not signing on). #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06

  • Upgraded my iphone4 to iOS 4.2.1 and re-jailbroken; exceedingly quick and easy process – thanks to greenpois0n etc. #
  • oooh, looks like Squeeze is very close… good luck #debian #
  • “@GeneHunt: My girlfriend says I'm ignorant. ….. I've absolutely no idea what she's talking about.” #
  • What sort of idiot walks around in the dark & head-butts a corner. Oh wait … #PleaseDoNotBruise #
  • Nearly midnight is perhaps the wrong time to think about upgrading and re-jailbreaking my iphone. Until tomorrow…. #
  • 'World's worst hacker'…. #
  • Hopefully I'll manage to do the Aberystwyth -> Kington bike ride this year at least, and maybe next year London -> Paris or something abroad #
  • 10th anniversary Dyfi Enduro registration opens on 10/02/2011. Almost regretting being mtb-less now #
  • Interesting experimentation with 4square's API this evening #PHP #4sq #
  • Wish 'normal' people would stop using the disabled / baby change toilet. Lazy … Grr. Grr. #
  • Year of the Rabbit. I bet Ann Summers will make full use of this for marketing …. #
  • Yes apple, I'm obviously going to read those 50+ pages of t&c's you've asked me to agree to on my phone. #
  • Call to back UK's hi-tech talent – (software / games ) #
  • “@scottsigler: Time for Rocket Fuel. Recipe: equal parts strong coffee, sugar and Red Bull…" @stormysan @aypok u r wimps in comparison #
  • Happy mailman day. #
  • Note to self: when leaving windows open to air place of residence avoid leaving the fan heater turned on. #fail #
  • I wonder what significance there is to the tiles on my bathroom floor becoming loose. #
  • Looks like I have a sea faring new employee … #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-30

  • Hhh: “@madeupstats: Xprts hv wrnd by currnt trnds vwls cld bcm xtnct by 2050.” #
  • Bromsgrove 3rd hockey vs khansa(?) (Warwick). We lost 3-1 🙁 we were winning 1-0 at half time 🙂 #
  • RT: @GeekStats: ~20% of Facebook users state their relationship status. 40% = "single"; 3% = "it's complicated" #
  • It seems my turbo trainer doesn't wake toddlers up. This is good. #ExercisingInSecret #
  • “@StormySan: Apparently the phrase 'Like a red rag to a bull' isn't appropriate to describe anger during PMS.” <- good thing Lyne in today #
  • Beware Bromsgrove; I am slowly claiming back mayorship of the town centre. Competition will be squashed….. #4sq #
  • My random PHP serialization performance note – – igbinary vs serialize vs json_encode (result: igbinary is best). #
  • Batman and superman are patrolling Bromsgrove today. Have no fear citizens. #
  • Now, onwards to meet @zookx … Interesting that they're in a previous office of ours. Still – No excuse for failing to find them. #
  • My minions accepted their payrise without fuss. Perhaps I'll try a negative rise next time and see if they notice. #evil #employer #
  • I'm always slightly surprised when I come across a non supported / non LTS ubuntu release being used in production. #
  • This morning has been mostly Linux sysadmin (virtual host setup, backup jobs, updating stuff). Sometimes the boss let's me code. #pray #
  • Yes, in the end it's beautiful, so beautiful…. You are a puppet. I am a puppet. We are all puppets. #guessTheSong #
  • .@bhamsouthpolice – “Don’t forget that our 24 hour tweet-a-thon starts tomorrow morning at 7.00am. ….” #
  • Customer: can you backup server, here's the root u/p. Me: err I have a few questions first …. #Linux #support #sysadmin #
  • “@StormySan: Ahhh, the first Monkeys call of 2011. Good start to the day :)” LOL-telephony #phonespam #
  • I'm such a gentleman, lending women money so they can get home from a night out. #StretchingTheFactsALittle #
  • “@madeupstats: Let's hope the Daily Mail doesn't get hold of this: almost half of Britain's schools perform below average.” Rotfl. #
  • “@StormySan: !in_array($bitch, $99problems) #technologysongs

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-23

  • Slave labour / someone likes cleaning. #
  • I <3 chocolate rice crispy cake. #
  • Turbo trainer found. Now what about the bike ? (volare elite esto mag something.) #
  • Bromsgrove 3rds vs West Brom – lost 2-0. I played the second half. Meh. #
  • Must learn to not leave home without my hockey stick when going to play hockey…. #
  • It appears my body is unwilling to give up it's blood easily. #
  • Blood donation o'clock. #
  • "I will feel better having you there; that is what a relationship is; we average our misery" #house #
  • We can get FTTC 'Internet' – 39/9 mbps down/up (~3x faster, ~2x price than now) but with BTInternet – think i'll stick with BeThere for now #
  • Browsing a Samba share from OSX seems exceptionally painful, especially if OpenOffice is involved. Grr… #
  • I've had enough of Dublin Core, OpenGraph and EGMS meta tags for this morning. Next ticket please. #
  • Ah. The yellow pages is finally letter
    box size. Took "them" long enough to figure that one out ! #
  • Who stole my minions and replaced them with muppets that listen to rap music all the time? #AliensAreHere #
  • I was a bit surprised to see piles of 'snow' still in Tesco's car park earlier (Redditch). #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16

  • Playing for the other team…. #hockey #
  • Nails filed. Breakfast eaten. Hello Sunday…. #
  • Only 3 doors left to open on @rowangoodwin's advent calendar. #festiveSpirit 🙂 #
  • Bromsgrove 3rds 1:7 hampton Arden. #hockey 🙁 #
  • Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. #
  • Neighbours – STFU. Kthxbai. #
  • Not sure why Bromsgrove council feel the need to build a new leisure centre – the current one is fine and only just been refurbished #
  • I can't help but think the Bromsgrove standard is a little optimistic with it's 'cinema in Bromsgove' headline. #
  • I'll soon be deaf unless these burglar alarms STFU. #Bromsgrove #electric #fail #
  • I should pull my finger out and run, before hockey training. Need to meet some zombies while armed with hockey stick -> awesome evening 🙂 #
  • The parenting manual probably says:
    "Rule 57: Do not feed toddlers mince pies after 7pm.". Oh well. @RowanGoodwin had two… #
  • Off to the sidemoor SHED meeting. Community allotment(s) and err something. #
  • RT @GeneHunt The girlfriend's mother was taken ill. I acted swiftly and rushed off to find a pen and paper to write for an ambulance. #
  • Interesting presentation by @akrabat concerning the changes coming in with ZF2… nice to see many new faces at #phpwm meeting this evening. #
  • I'm at fat fighters. #
  • Ditched Microsoft's crash prone OSX remote desktop client; replaced with CoRD; thanks @cordapp #
  • I nominate @GeneHunt for a Shorty Award in #humor because he makes me smile, and glad I'm a man 🙂 #
  • RT @GeneHunt My ex used to get upset if I used her toothbrush. If anyone knows a better way to get dog crap off my boots, I'm all ears. #
  • RT @GeneHunt I love defenceless animals, especially in a good gravy. #
  • Sleepless in Bromsgrove #NewMovieNames #

Upgrading Cassandra 0.6 to 0.7 …

For one project we use Cassandra as a distributed backend message store (for an email archive, which by it’s nature is always going to grow in size); we choose to use Cassandra as it offered the ability to replicate data over a number of servers – giving us scalability and redundancy. Also, for the project in question, we only ever retrieve an email based on it’s message-id – which happens to be unique (hopefully) and forms a good key 🙂

Anyway, we’ve been using Cassandra 0.6.x for some time, through the Debian packages the project makes available. All was well, until this afternoon when I saw an upgrade to 0.7 was available… now, I knew 0.7 was a long awaited upgrade (as it would allow us to create new keyspaces etc on the fly; apparently…)… and I thought

“No doubt they [the package maintainers] will have either a big warning message, or some automatic migration from 0.6 to 0.7”

I was wrong.

Upon restart of Cassandra (and chown -R cassandra:cassandra /var/lib/cassandra) 0.7, everything appeared fine – except it had no idea where our Keyspace was – but did give an error message like :

“ (line 439) Found table data in data directories. Consider using JMX to call org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.loadSchemaFromYaml().” in /var/log/cassandra/system.log

Rummaging through the online docs showed that we’d need fire up a “jconsole” thing to fix it. Unfortunately it running on a remote server, so this wasn’t so easy. The easiest solution seemed to be to download Cassandra locally, copy the remote server’s storage-conf.xml file locally and then run the included ‘bin/config-convertor’ –

bin/config-converter conf/storage-conf.xml conf/cassandra.yaml

This YAML file could then be copied to the remote server (/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml); then restart the Cassandra service, and you’re ready to connect via jconsole and perform the ‘migration’ to your pre-existing schema…

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 user@remote.server

<<start jconsole, and point at localhost:8080; no authentication required>>

And click :

MBeans -> org.apache.cassandra.db -> StorageService -> Operations -> loadSchemaFromYaml

Once this was done, we found that running ‘show keyspaces‘ from within the ‘cassandra-cli’ client showed what we needed (our well named ‘Keyspace1’).

Then we just needed to upgrade our pycassa version so the client connected properly, and everything started to work….