ssh signed git commits

git config –global gpg.format ssh
git config –global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/
git config –global commit.gpgsign true

Hopefully that’ll result in my github commits being signed…. and when I forget how to do it …

docker proxy image download

Docker doesn’t like me for some reason, and I often get really bad download speeds from my home IP address.

One crude fix, is use an external server I can access as a SOCKS proxy.
To do so, edit / create /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf and put in it :


Then, restart/reload systemd ( systemctl daemon-reload ; service docker restart )

Then, setup your socks tunnel using some remote server you have SSH access on –

ssh -D 8888 david@some.remote.server

Hopefully now when you do a ‘docker-compose up‘ it won’t take forever.

A crude way of speed testing it, is to try running this bash snippet :

token=$(curl "" | jq -r .token)

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -L > /dev/null

Mockery (test doubles/mocking dependencies)

[This is a relatively old post I think I forgot to publish….]

Previously, I’d only used PHPUnit’s mock implementation; however lately I’ve been exposed to Mockery.

While they both achieve broadly the same result (at least from my point of view), here’s an example of how to mock dependencies with Mockery.

Class to test:

class TestMe {
    private $db;
    public function __construct(PDO $db) {
        $this->db = $db;

    public function doesSomethingImportant(array $data) : bool {
        $stmt = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE my_table SET field2 = :field2 WHERE field1 = :field1");
        return $stmt->execute(['field1' => $data['field1'], 'field2' => $data['field2']);


And to test ….

use Mockery as m;
class MyTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
    public function tearDown() {
    public function testDoesSomethingImpotant() {
        $fakePdo = m::mock(\PDO::class);
        $stmt = m::mock(\PDOStatement::class);
           ->withArgs(['field1' => 'hello', 'field2' => 'world'])
           ->withArgs(['UPDATE my table SET field2 = :field2 WHERE field1 = :field1'])

        $testClass = new TestMe($fakePdo);
            $testClass->updateSomething(['field1' => 'hello', 'field2' => 'world']);

So that’s all well and good, and with a little imagination you can see how a method that does some calculation could be tested to ensure it does the calculation correctly and performs the appropriate database query. It obviously requires you inject all dependencies in to the class (else you can’t pass in the appropriate mocks!)

While this test is isolated from the underlying database, it doesn’t ensure you code will work – what if someone’s changed the database schema – your test will still (incorrectly) pass …

You can also create ‘fake’ errors throughout your code which might help give you a higher code coverage score 🙂

$pdo = m::mock(PDO::class);

    ->withArgs(['bad sql'])

    ->withArgs(['whatever good sql'])

    ->withArgs(['more good sql'])

vagrant commands for the lazy and forgetful

Vagrant commands :

  • vagrant up  – aka “clocking on at work, time to boot up the VM”
  • vagrant status – aka “did I leave that VM running last night?”
  • vagrant halt – aka “time to go home or change project”
  • vagrant destroy – aka “VM is broken; kill it with fire and deploy a virgin VM to start again”
  • vagrant package default –output /path/to/output/ – aka “I like this VM, I think I’ll keep a copy around somewhere for future purposes”
  • vagrant init – aka “Get this project started …”


Obviously requires you have a reasonably good ‘Vagrantfile’ to start with…..

Checking PHP code for compatibility issues

One project I occassionally hack on is Xerte Toolkits.

Yesterday on the mailing list it came up that someone was trying to use XOT with PHP4.

After getting over some initial shock that people still use PHP4 (it was end-of-lifed in August 2008) I wondered how easy it would be to check the status of a code base to find how incompatible with PHP4 it now is.

My initial thought was to find a list of functions which had been added with PHP5 and then just grep the code for them, but it turns out there is a much nicer approach – PHP_CompatInfo

Installation was fairly straight forward – like :

pear channel-discover
pear install bartlett/PHP_CompatInfo

Annoyingly the documentation seemed well hidden – but once I found it ( it was pretty easy to use, and the ‘phpci’ command did all I needed –

Examples :

1. List global variables in use :

$ phpci print --reference PHP5 --report global -R . 
436 / 436 [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] 100.00%
BASE: /home/david/src/XOT/trunk

  GLOBAL                                                  VERSION         COUNT
                                        $_GET             4.1.0               1
  data                                  $_GET             4.1.0               2
  debug                                 $_GET             4.1.0               2
  export                                $_GET             4.1.0               2
  file                                  $_GET             4.1.0               1
  firstname                             $_GET             4.1.0               1

2. Find all PHP5 functions in use :

$ phpci print  --report function -R . | grep 5.
436 / 436 [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] 100.00%
  spl_autoload_register                 SPL               5.1.2               1
  simplexml_load_file                   SimpleXML         5.0.0               1
  iconv_set_encoding                    iconv             4.0.5               1
  iconv_strlen                          iconv             5.0.0              10
  iconv_strpos                          iconv             5.0.0              38
  iconv_strrpos                         iconv             5.0.0               3
  iconv_substr                          iconv             5.0.0              33
  dirname                               standard          4.0.0              53
  fclose                                standard          4.0.0              51
  file_put_contents                     standard          5.0.0               6
  fopen                                 standard          4.0.0              55
  fread                                 standard          4.0.0              57
  fwrite                                standard          4.0.0              50
  htmlentities                          standard          5.2.3               1
  md5                                   standard          4.0.0               1
  scandir                               standard          5.0.0               1
  str_split                             standard          5.0.0               3
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 28.25Mb

and finally,

3. Class usage :

$ phpci print  --report class -R . | grep 5.
436 / 436 [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] 100.00%
  Exception                             SPL               5.1.0               1
  InvalidArgumentException              SPL               5.1.0               2

4. All class usage :

i.e. without me grep’ping the results.

$ phpci print  --report class -R . 
436 / 436 [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] 100.00%
BASE: /home/david/src/XOT/trunk

  CLASS                                 EXTENSION         VERSION         COUNT
  Exception                             SPL               5.1.0               1
  InvalidArgumentException              SPL               5.1.0               2
  PHP_CompatInfo                                          4.0.0               1
  Snoopy                                                  4.0.0               2
  StdClass                                                4.0.0               2
  Xerte_Authentication_Abstract                           4.0.0               6
  Xerte_Authentication_Factory                            4.0.0               4
  Xerte_Authentication_Guest                              4.0.0               1
  Xerte_Authentication_Ldap                               4.0.0               1
  Xerte_Authentication_Moodle                             4.0.0               1
  Xerte_Authentication_Static                             4.0.0               1
  Xerte_Authetication_Db                                  4.0.0               1
  Zend_Exception                                          4.0.0               2
  Zend_Locale                                             4.0.0               7
  Zend_Locale_Data                                        4.0.0              19
  Zend_Locale_Data_Translation                            4.0.0               6
  Zend_Locale_Exception                                   4.0.0              28
  Zend_Locale_Format                                      4.0.0               3
  Zend_Locale_Math                                        4.0.0              14
  Zend_Locale_Math_Exception                              4.0.0               9
  Zend_Locale_Math_PhpMath                                4.0.0              11
  archive                                                 4.0.0               3
  bzip_file                                               4.0.0               1
  dUnzip2                                                 4.0.0               3
  gzip_file                                               4.0.0               1
  tar_file                                                4.0.0               3
  toolkits_session_handler                                4.0.0               1
  zip_file                                                4.0.0               2
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 27.50Mb

Which answers my question(s) and so on.

Netbeans vs Vim … round 1 … fight

So, I think I’ve changed ‘editor’. Perhaps this is a bit like an engineer changing their calculator or something.

For the last 10 years, I’ve effectively only used ‘vim‘ for development of any PHP code I work on.

I felt I was best served using something like vim – where the interface was uncluttered, everything was a keypress away and I could literally fill my entire monitor with code. This was great if my day consisted of writing new code.

Unfortunately, this has rarely been the case for the last few years. I’ve increasingly found myself dipping in and out of projects – or needing to navigate through a complex set of dependencies to find methods/definitions/functions – thanks to  the likes of PSR0. Suffice to say, Vim doesn’t really help me do this.

Perhaps, I’ve finally learnt that ‘raw’ typing speed is not the only measure of productivity – navigation through the codebase, viewing inline documentation or having a debugger at my fingertips is also important.

So, last week, while working on one project, I eventually got fed up of juggling between terminals and fighting with tab completion that I re-installed netbeans – so, while I’m sure vim can probably do anything netbeans can – if you have the right plugin installed and super flexible fingers.

So, what have I gained/lost :

  • a 10 second slow down – that’s how long it takes to start Netbeans – even with an SSD and a desktop that should be quick enough (perhaps this is justification for a faster desktop?). Lesson learnt – do not close Netbeans.
  • indexing of the code – although this takes some time when importing an existing project – it does make it very quick to ‘find uses’ of function/class X
  • the ability to easily jump to a function/class definition (right click, find uses …)
  • a list of ‘todo’ items – from my code comments … this has led to me removing some old legacy cruft…
  • the ‘refactor’ functionality – i.e. rename function old_name() and change all instances of it to new_name()
  • code indentation seems to work better under netbeans
  • inline ‘warnings’ (i.e. unused variable, previously undefined variable[x], syntax errors etc) – so I don’t have to wait for them to appear in a browser or elsewhere.
  • inline documentation etc while typing (i.e. type in in_array( and it reminds me where the needle and haystack are)
  • with the right them, a nicer editor Window (mine is based on BrandonDark)

x – Fails with global variables on legacy projects though – in that netbeans doesn’t realise the variable has been sucked in through a earlier ‘require’ call.

I did briefly look at sublime a few weeks ago, but couldn’t see what the fuss was about – it didn’t seem to do very much – apart from have multiple tabs open for the various files I was editing.

SQL Injection with added magic_quotes assistance (the joys of legacy code maintenance)


Sometimes you really have to laugh (or shoot yourself) when you come across legacy code / the mess some other developer(s) left behind. (Names slightly changed to protect the innocent)

class RocketShip {

    function rahrah() {
        $sql = "insert into foo (rah,rahrah,...) 
            values ( '" . $this->escape_str($this->meh) . "', ...... )";
        mysqli_query($this->db_link, $sql) or 
            die("ERROR: " . mysqli_error($this->db_link));
        $this->id = mysqli_insert_id($this->db_link);

    function escape_str($str)
           { $str = stripslashes($str);}
        //echo $str;
        //$clean = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->db_link,$str);
        //echo $clean;
       return $str;
// ....
    function something_else() {
            sprintf("insert into fish(field1,field2) values('%s', '%s')", 


You’ve got to just love the :

  1. Lack of Error handling / logging.
  2. Functionality of the escape_str function which is only making matters worse (and could never have worked due to the variable names)
  3. Use of sprintf  and %s ….(obviously %d could be useful)
  4. Documentation?

Dare I uncomment the mysqi_real_escape_string and fix escape_str’s behaviour?

In other news, see this tweet – 84% of web apps are insecure; that’s a bit damning. But perhaps not surprising given code has a far longer lifespan than you expect….


Zend_Cache – automatic cache cleaning can be bad, mmkay?

$customer uses Zend_Cache in their codebase – and I noticed that every so often a page request would take ~5 seeconds (for no apparent reason), while normally they take < 1 second …

Some rummaging and profiling with xdebug showed that some requests looked like :

xdebug profiling output - note lots of zend_cache stuff
xdebug profiling output - note lots of zend_cache stuff

Note how there are 25,000 or so calls for various Zend_Cache_Backend_File thingys (fetch meta data, load contents, flock etc etc).

This alternative rendering might make it more clear – especially when compared with the image afterwards :

zend cache dominating the call map
zend cache dominating the call map

while a normal request should look more like :

a "normal" request - note Zend_Cache is not dominating
a "normal" request - note Zend_Cache is not dominating

Zend_Cache has a ‘automatic_cleaning_mode’ frontend parameter – which is by default set to 10 (i.e. 10% of all write requests to the cache result in it checking if there is anything to garbage collect/clean). Since we’re nearly always writing something to the cache, this results in 10% of requests triggering the cleaning logic.



The cleaning is now run via a cron job something like :
