- Can't be bothered to give up chocolate for lent. Pancakes on the other hand will not be missed. #lent #fb #
- Reminders:
* @PHPWM meeting tomorrow (free beer/pizza phpwm.org);
* It's Pie Week;
* Pancake today tomorrow.
Nom nom nom #Fatties #fb # - rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah
I have to walk home today
- A new week, and my bike chain breaks again. Halfords were sold out of connector links and replacement chains. I feel it's a conspiracy #fb #
- “@StormySan: Every other sentence today is 'Oh my god that's disgusting'. She's just bleached her desk and keyboard.” #fb #
- Cw54 dmx – you tailed me on the m6 for 30miles; Learn to: dip headlights (not on full beam) & use left hand lane-it's not lorries only #fb #
- Hmm. I shouldn't have expected any better. On the ground next to the car is an untwisted coat hanger. Car seems ok #LiverpoolAirport #fb #
- Hello Liverpool. I'm back. Now to drive home. *yawn* happy flyings! #fb #flylo #