- “@gpjt: I always wondered what those buttons on my camera did: http://t.co/HV6rHhw” #
- Landed: BCN. #
- Sarcasm seems lost on Liverpudlians. #
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- Tweet tweet tweet #fb #
- It's very relaxing listening to a baby sleeping on your chest. Slings rule. #
- “@chartoftheday: CHART OF THE DAY: Here's How The Xoom Stacks Up To The iPad 2 http://read.bi/eF9TGt” <- interesting. Xoom > ipad2. #
- OMG – best cookie EVER from Catshill bakery. Meal in a cookie – Nom Nom Nom. #
- The king of hearts called for the tarts and beat the knave full sore. #
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995113/strangest-language-feature – Javascript has some interesting features…. #
- Who will last longer: me cycling or Jenkins building a Php project? 1.5 hours and counting. No I understand large build servers.. #
- “@StormySan: Boss just used a whois lookup to find out a friend's address. I find this awesome. #geek