- I now have a new pair of running shoes. New balance or something. Will have to take them out tomorrow. #
- Clearly he wanted a drink. #
- The toddler is trying to tell me something. I'm too stupid to understand him :-/ #
- RT @guardiantech Penelope Trunk: Why I tweeted about my miscarriage http://bit.ly/4o8iTq #
- Generally unimpressed with snow leopard. Laptop has had 2 kernel panics and stuff crashes more. Rock solid before (seemingly). #apple #osx #
- Black opal licorice ftw #
- Preparing to say goodbye to Milton Keynes and it's jungle of roundabouts. Hope the train doesn't get lost getting here…… #
- Metro headline – [bnp] Griffin: I was racially abused. Stop feeding the racist troll media! #
- Taxi driver: what's the big deal with windows 7 is it that you can run two programs at once? Me: errrr #
- Someone failed to reinstall the delegates pcs. Stupid ou. #
- I've arrived early – first time in memory? This must be a sign from the Great Spagetti Monster, who I can also thank for a safe journey. Thx #
- All hail – King of the loosers! Sir blame it on your ISP. Ahh berushed. Food please. #
- Finished diy radiator swap etc finally. Didn't spray over her bed and perhaps no leaks. Alternative career – very slow plumber! #