David Goodwin’s blog
Excessive uptime(!?)
Somewhere on the internet there’s a mailserver with a larger uptime, I guess? I don’t think anyone dares to reboot it …. (this is a server the customer was going to migrate off about 5 years ago …. somehow it’s still in use) (2290 days is a little over 6 years)
btrfs & ext4 – error handling when the hardware fails …
btrfs vs ext4 … how they cope when your computer overheats…
intel nuc d54250wyk (haswell) ~10 years later
This little NUC I bought ages ago is still chugging along, in continual use (albeit only as a backup ‘server’ with a large 4TiB ssd in it). It’s recently had ‘open heart’ surgery to replace a failing fan and to clean the dust out of it (for the first time in 10 years). Wow, it’s…
PHP psalm annotations
random psalm phpdoc things i keep forgotting
systemd-resolve (DNS is always to blame)
Random unscientific finding; perhaps systemd-resolve isn’t quite ready for prime time yet?
faster rsync (ssh cipher choice)
Perhaps the bottleneck isn’t always bandwidth – but does changing ssh cipher make any difference? Using a derivative of : In unscientific tests, it looks like ssh parameters might do something when copying a 4GiB file between two random virtual machines in different data centres, but both in London. SSH Variant Speed -e “ssh” ~45MB/s…
Twitter data export / dumping / twitter-archive-parser
Hello (again) world
I don’t blog very often. I should probably stop bothering with the automated twitter compilations. In other news, some legacy PHP code I look after had this : Yes, that’s including a file name that starts with a ‘#’ … which while it’s a clever idea, it’s also a pain in the bum to edit…
Automated twitter compilation up to 13 November 2022
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 13 November 2022
Automated twitter compilation up to 06 November 2022
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 06 November 2022
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