Upgrade some things

Well, I sort of realised I had a web server or two that were still on Debian Buster, and it was time to move to Bullseye or Bookworm. As usual the Debian upgrade procedure was mostly pretty straight forward and uneventful.

Interesting findings :

  • hitch“, which I use as an SSL frontend to varnish, doesn’t seem to get along all that well with systemd and silently fails if your config has “daemon = on” setting in /etc/hitch/hitch.conf. Annoyingly when trying to test the configuration with “hitch -t” you will get an error like: “No x509 certificate PEM file specified for frontend ‘default’!” – the solution to that is to specify the config file – i.e : hitch -t --config /etc/hitch/hitch.conf
  • hitch hasn’t had a release in it’s packagecloud.io repository for the last 3 years; so the debian supported variant looks more appealing.

In other news, I noticed this post where someone moaned about systemd-resolved the other day – https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/18kh1r5/im_shocked_that_almost_no_one_is_talking_about/ – I’ve had similar problems to the people on the thread (resolved stops working etc) so thought it was time to try and use ‘unbound‘ instead.

apt-get install unbound

and then tell /etc/resolv.conf to use for DNS.

annoyingly, unbound-control stats isn’t quite as pretty as resolvectl statistics but oh well.

echo -e “nameserver\nnameserver\noptions timeout:4” >/etc/resolv.conf

and an /etc/unbound/unbound.conf file that looks perhaps like :

access-control: allow
access-control: ::1/128 allow
# The following line will configure unbound to perform cryptographic
# DNSSEC validation using the root trust anchor.
auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/lib/unbound/root.key"
tls-cert-bundle: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

control-enable: yes
# by default the control interface is is and ::1 and port 8953
# it is possible to use a unix socket too
control-interface: /run/unbound.ctl

name: "."
forward-tls-upstream: yes

(Unfortunately my ISP is shitty, and doesn’t yet give me an ipv6 address).

Looking at – I do sometimes see that ‘DNS over TLS’ is “yes”…. so I guess something is right; annoyingly I don’t see anything useful from unbound’s stats (unbound-control stats) to show it’s done a secure query…

“unbound-host” (another debian package) – will helpfully tell you whether a lookup was done ‘securely’ or not – e.g.

$ unbound-host google.com -D -v
google.com has address (insecure)
google.com has IPv6 address 2a00:1450:4009:815::200e (insecure)
google.com mail is handled by 10 smtp.google.com. (insecure)

which seems a little odd to me (I’d have thought google would support dns sec), but some domains do work – e.g.

$ unbound-host mythic-beasts.com -D -v
mythic-beasts.com has address (secure)
mythic-beasts.com has IPv6 address 2a00:1098:0:82:1000:0:1:2 (secure)
mythic-beasts.com mail is handled by 10 mx1.mythic-beasts.com. (secure)
mythic-beasts.com mail is handled by 10 mx2.mythic-beasts.com. (secure)

Beelink SER6 Max

“New PC Time”

I’ve had an ASUS PN50 (AMD 4800u processor) as my desktop/daily driver for sometime, and it’s nice and power efficient, but increasingly I found it being slow.

I eventually discovered I could turn on the CPU ‘boost’ feature (doh!) – but doing that seemed to result in it crashing within the next 24-48 hours…. which isn’t good. I don’t know if it’s a hardware or Linux problem – but I had already sort of decided it was time to consider upgrading to something with more ‘ooomph’.

So, I came across a slightly dodgy looking listing on Amazon for a Beelink SER6 max (32gb RAM, 500GiB SSD). The SER6 Max is a fairly new release, and Beelink are a relatively cheap, newish supplier of hardware with some past quality issues. Anyway, I thought I’d stop dithering over it, and buy it and rely on Amazon’s returns policy if there were problems with the PC/hardware.

My reason for choosing the SER6 Max was that it had enough rear ports for all three of my monitors, most other minipc variants don’t. I did contemplate the Geekom AS6 (which is an ASUS PN53 with the same CPU as this beelink, but it has slower RAM and I was concerned it might be noisy).

So, I “pulled the trigger” on https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C279T4P6 and on a whim I tried installing Siduction Linux…. so now I’ve got full disk encryption and what looks like a fairly up to date stack of stuff (with XFCE).

The SER6 has at least passed a token memory test, and some system tests – so I’m fairly optimistic about it, although I did have one hard lock up / crash yesterday which is unexplained.

(1 week later, and it seems well stable/reliable … )

Resizing a VM’s disk within Azure

Random notes on resizing a disk attached to an Azure VM …

Check what you have already –

az disk list --resource-group MyResourceGroup --query '[*].{Name:name,Gb:diskSizeGb,Tier:accountType}' --output table

might output something a bit like :

Name Gb
———————————————- —-
foo-os 30
bar-os 30
foo-data 512
bar-data 256

So here, we can see the ‘bar-data’ disk is only 256Gb.

Assuming you want to change it to be 512Gb (Azure doesn’t support an arbitary size, you need to choose a supported size…)

az disk update --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name bar-data --size-gb 512

Then wait a bit …

In my case, the VMs are running Debian Buster, and I see this within the ‘dmesg‘ output after the resize has completed (on the server itself).

[31197927.047562] sd 1:0:0:0: [storvsc] Sense Key : Unit Attention [current]
[31197927.053777] sd 1:0:0:0: [storvsc] Add. Sense: Capacity data has changed
[31197927.058993] sd 1:0:0:0: Capacity data has changed

Unfortunately the new size doesn’t show up straight away to the O/S, so I think you either need to reboot the VM or (what I do) –

echo 1 > /sys/class/block/sda/device/rescan

at which point the newer size appears within your ‘lsblk‘ output – and the filesystem can be resized using e.g. resize2fs

systemd-resolve (DNS is always to blame)

For the record, this is using systemd v247, from Debian’s buster-backports.

I think I was enticed by the cool aid, hoping to be able to have DNSSEC or DNSoverTLS …. and caching … and to be fair, it appeared to work on all the servers I’d installed it on (although they were just ‘boring’ LAMP style webservers).

Anyway, everything seemed to be going well, with the default /etc/resolv.conf like :


options edns0

and /etc/systemd/resolved.conf looking like :


Unfortunately, on one relatively busy server which makes multiple HTTP requests out every second, I saw sporadic failures where curl would report a timeout for e.g. graph.facebook.com (>10 connect time).

The timeouts seemed to be grouped together (no timeouts for a number of hours, and then a load of requests would fail) and obviously to be annoying this only happened in production and wasn’t something I could reproduce.

As best I can tell, a failure to lookup was being cached, so all requests for a specific hostname would then fail until the cache expired (30 seconds?)

So I end up having /etc/resolv.conf looking a bit more like a traditional one with as the first nameserver and some custom options to lower the retry time and hopefully trigger multiple DNS lookup attempts.

So, perhaps …. perhaps … systemd-resolve isn’t quite ready for production yet?

(re)building varnish modules

I’m using Varrsh 6 LTS in some places, and need a way to rebuild dependent modules …. which seem to need recompiling even for a minor feature release (E.g. 6.0.1 to 6.0.2).

I use dynamic (DNS routing), var and vsthrottle.

Firstly, here’s a Dockerfile –

FROM debian:buster as builder

ARG VARNISH_VERSION=6.0.8-1~buster

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get -qy update && \
    apt-get -qy install eatmydata apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl gnupg wget && \
    apt-get clean

RUN echo "\
Package: varnish\n\
Pin: version ${VARNISH_VERSION}\n\
Pin-Priority: 1001 \
Package: varnish-dev \n\
Pin: version ${VARNISH_VERSION} \n\
Pin-Priority: 1001 \
" >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/varnish 

RUN echo "deb https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish60lts/debian/ buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/varnish.list

RUN wget -qO /tmp/varnish.gpg https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish60lts/gpgkey && \
    apt-key add /tmp/varnish.gpg && \
    apt-get -q update && \
    eatmydata -- apt-get -qy install varnish varnish-dev automake libtool make libncurses-dev pkg-config python3-docutils unzip libgetdns10 libgetdns-dev

RUN apt-cache policy varnish


RUN wget -qO /tmp/varnish.zip https://github.com/varnish/varnish-modules/archive/refs/heads/6.0.zip && \
    unzip /tmp/varnish.zip && \
    cd varnish-modules-6.0 && \
    bash bootstrap && \
    ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking && \
    make && \
    make check && \
    make install 

RUN wget -qO /tmp/dynamic.zip https://github.com/nigoroll/libvmod-dynamic/archive/refs/heads/6.0.zip && \
    unzip /tmp/dynamic.zip && \
    cd libvmod-dynamic-6.0 && \
    bash autogen.sh && \
    bash configure && \
    make && \
    make install

FROM debian:buster
WORKDIR /srv/export
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_dynamic.so /srv/export/
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_proxy.so /srv/export/
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_var.so /srv/export/
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_vsthrottle.so /srv/export/
COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/varnish/vmods/libvmod_header.so /srv/export/

and then, I copy the files out of that build pipeline (dare i call it that?) with this shell script


set -eux

# Build a new set of varnish modules.

# Each version of varnish needs it's own build of some modules - moving from e.g. varnish 6.0.7~1-stretch to 6.0.8~1-stretch 
# isn't possible without these modules being rebuilt.

[ -d $(pwd)/tmp ] && rm -Rf $(pwd)/tmp

docker build --pull -f Dockerfile -t builder .

mkdir tmp

docker run -v $(pwd)/tmp:/srv/tmp -ti builder bash -c 'cp /srv/export/* /srv/tmp'

Then it’s just a case of running ‘build.sh’ and waiting …. and you’ll find the files you want in ‘tmp’.

docker-ce + Debian Buster + iptables

I found docker wouldn’t start for me on my Buster desktop.
journalctl -u docker -f showed :

Aug 15 09:35:50 walnut dockerd[28612]: failed to start daemon: Error initializing network controller: error obtaining controller instance: failed to create NAT chain DOCKER: iptables failed: iptables -t nat -N DOCKER: iptables v1.8.2 (nf_tables):  CHAIN_ADD failed (No such file or 
Aug 15 09:35:50 walnut dockerd[28612]: (exit status 4)

Fixing, yet again, seems a case of replacing nft/nftables stuff with the legacy iptables counterparts –

update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy

rsyslog filtering (with loggly)

If you’re a bit slow on the uptake, like me … this might help.

Basic logging to Loggly is simple enough –

References : https://www.loggly.com/docs/rsyslog-tls-configuration/ gets you to add in an omfwd action and a template with auth details in …

However, when you also want to mix in sending Apache logs to loggly, and at the same time want to suppress sending some lines ….. life becomes a bit harder.

Here’s what worked for me anyway… replace MAGIC_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE with your loggly auth details.

Place this in /etc/rsyslog.d/loggly.conf.

# Setup disk assisted queues
$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog # where to place spool files
$ActionQueueFileName fwdRule1     # unique name prefix for spool files
$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 1g       # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on     # save messages to disk on shutdown
$ActionQueueType LinkedList       # run asynchronously
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1        # infinite retries if host is down

$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/rsyslog.d/keys/ca.d/logs-01.loggly.com_sha12.crt

$ActionSendStreamDriver gtls # use gtls netstream driver
$ActionSendStreamDriverMode 1 # require TLS
$ActionSendStreamDriverAuthMode x509/name # authenticate by hostname
$ActionSendStreamDriverPermittedPeer *.loggly.com

template(name="LogglyFormat" type="string"
string="< %pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% [MAGIC_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE tag=\"Syslog\"] %msg%\n"


# Apache file inputs :



# Format for Apache things.
$template LogglyFormatApache,"< %pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% [MAGIC_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE  tag=\"apache\" ] %msg%\n"

if ( $programname == 'apache-access' ) and not ( $msg contains "/something-to-skip/" ) then {
        port="6514" template="LogglyFormatApache" 

# no further processing of apache-access things 
if ( $programname == 'apache-access') then stop

if ( $programname == 'apache-error' ) then {
                port="6514" template="LogglyFormatApache" 

if ( $programname == 'apache-error') then stop

# Anything else ... sent to loggly.
    port="6514" template="LogglyFormatApache" 

First steps with a Pixelbook

So, my 2009 MacBook Pro decided to slowly die … and after dithering for about 3 years over what to buy to replace it …. I chose a Google Pixelbook (i7 variant, 500Gb NVME disk etc) (via eBay).

Here are some findings …

  • Installing Linux within the supported VM environment is straight forward (see docs) but it’s a 4.14 kernel with Debian Stretch. Given it’s using BTRFS I’d prefer a newer kernel (or at least the ability to choose what kernel the VM boots…)
  • I can’t seem to find a way of getting a clipboard manager that works across all applications (so I can copy+paste multiple things between windows). I’ve been using ClipIt for years on my main desktop.
  • Sharing files between the Linux environment and native ChromeOS is kind of annoying (go into the Files app, and drag/drop the file(s) around). The UI hints at there being shared folders, but I’m guessing they’ll be enabled in a future release.
  • Sound from a Linux app doesn’t work (when running vlc within the Linux VM, there is no sound); apparently a known bug so I’ll hope it’ll get fixed soon.
  • It’s fast. Especially browsing the web.
  • It’s not burnt my lap yet (unlike the MBP)
  • It’s possible to get sound to stutter from e.g. Play Music, if you’re doing a reasonable amount of I/O (like PHPStorm rebuilding it’s indexes)
  • Installing PHPStorm (and other Linux apps) was fairly straight forward (either via apt or however I’d normally do it in Linux) and generally works fine …
  • There’s no “right click” for the mouse pad; instead you do a double finger tap. You can ctrl+click or use a two finger tap.
  • Tablet mode is great for Android Apps – I’ve tried a couple of toddler apps and they just worked fine.
  • Not all Android apps work properly – e.g. using Authenticator Plus for 2FA auth codes – doesn’t seem to be able to sync with my Google Drive backup and when opening it, there are always two windows for some reason.
  • Thankfully you can “right click” on the launcher tray and configure it to auto-hide and pin apps you use often.

I’m toying with the idea of replacing ChromeOS with a native Linux install; but I’ve not yet seen enough evidence to suggest that it’ll work well.

Hopefully the Campfire project will have a release soon …. Until then I’ll be watching https://www.reddit.com/r/pixelbook etc

Using hitch with varnish on Debian Jessie

I ended up needing to install hitch on a server recently, so the https:// traffic could be routed through Varnish (along with the existing ‘http’ stuff) for performance reasons.

The server only runs WordPress sites, so there are WordPress specific things in the Varnish configuration (vcl) file below.

Versions: Varnish 5.2, Hitch 1.4.4, Apache 2.4 and Debian Jessie.

Continue reading “Using hitch with varnish on Debian Jessie”

postsrsd monit config

This might work to configure monit on Debian (Jessie) to monitor postsrsd.

check process postsrsd matching "/usr/sbin/postsrsd"
    group postsrsd
    start program = "/etc/init.d/postsrsd start"
    stop  program = "/etc/init.d/postsrsd stop"
    if failed host localhost port 10001 then restart 
    if failed host localhost port 10002 then restart