Recently on the Twitter the following (attached) image came up – presumably legit, of a job advert. Highlights below. It’s almost like someone cut and pasted two job postings together. The phone number does appear to be legit … so perhaps the advert itself is?
Summary –
Salary: £6.19/hour
Hours: 48/week
Business: Car Park / Car Parts Sales
Worktime: 12 hour night shifts
Job Duties:
- ……
- Build and develop websites ….
- SEO stuff …
- design leaflets/posters …
- maintain ebay shop …
- Night security and running of a multi-storey car park.
- ….
Qualifications / experience :
- Qualification in interactive web design
- Strong Literacy
- Essential – <<normal bullshit from recruiter – excellent problem solving / analytical skills / communication / interpersonal / attention to detail>>
- Knowledge of car engine parts would be advantageous.
Whatever next?