- .@rowangoodwin is still asleep. I wish I was. He's heading for 15 hours (with a few minor interruptions to be sick etc). #
- RT @Pewari Today’s xkcd is *awesome*: http://www.xkcd.com/829/ #
- At approximately 10:30am a tin of Roses was delivered to our office. By 3pm the tin was empty. #
- The car thinks it's -10'c outside. I wish there wasn't on the inside of the windscreen. #canWeHaveSomeRainInstead ? #
- 10 print "hello world" #
- RT @madeupstats We can reveal that 41% of FIFA votes went to the losing countries, and 74% of them to Russia. #
- 3/10 b61 #uksnow (slowly falling and sticking) #
- Why…. Hello mailman. *delete delete* #
- RT @noradsanta 1 more day until the 2010 NORAD Tracks Santa site goes live!! #Santa #
- RT @madeupstats Interestingly, 25% of graduates are involved in demonstrating*.
(*Mostly TVs and steam irons in branches of Currys) #
- And this evening I have an ill toddler who's probably over eaten and about to chuck. It seemed a good idea to persuade him to eat & drink #
- Today I mostly fixed a poorly office pc; replaced hard disk, replaced ubuntu with Debian and so on. Unproductive day. Even played l4d2…. #
- HOME has been mounted 45 times without being checked, check forced. <cue long wait/> #
- RT @madeupstats Tonight, 2,400 tonnes of salt were used in Scotland and the North.
(Chips sell well in this weather) #
- Amazon – I do not appreciate seeing stuff I've bought (at full price) on sale, the day it arrives. This is not fair. #
- Dying hard disk detected. Stupid computer / day. Grrr. #
- Crap morning. Toddler -> drs; Work desktop failing to work (now using mac mini); productivity——- 🙁 #