Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 26 April 2015
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Linux, PHP, geeky stuff … boring man.
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 26 April 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 26 April 2015”
I would start with saying that not a huge amount happened in August… but then having thought about it, I’d be lying.
My right ankle is still in a state of disrepair – after hurting my achilles tendon … so no running, and I’m feeling fat / unfit as a result. I have got my mountain bike out of the shed and started to cycle again and found a few interesting routes around Dodford.
No running, means no Nottingham Marathon. They did however send me the running top – so I can at least pretend to people that I did it – “Look! I have the t-shirt to prove it!”. I am hoping to start running again within the next week …
In other news, Bromsgrove Hockey club started to do some stuff again, although my one big toe appears to have been broken in the first game back (hint: keep your feet out of the way). The second time out (last weekend) was on grass, which bought back some memories and was quite enjoyable (if only 30 minutes play in total).
Pale Purple moved office (yes, so don’t ask: “Did you do anything nice on the August bank holiday weekend?” …). The cost of the office is effectively the same, but now we have more room and it’s a far nicer (not dim and dingy).
I’ve also joined the local RoundTable group – although I’ve not coughed up any membership fees yet, so perhaps I’m premature in saying “joined”. The first event involved driving a motor bike around a rough field in the rain (good fun) and the second involved playing Discus Golf. All good stuff, and the guys seem a great bunch.
Rowan’s started to potty train; Anya smiles and makes cute noises. I’ve had a hair cut. Fun times.
Oh, and work’s been busy and somewhat stressful, but that’s all hopefully over with now (as $site_migration is complete).