Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 22 November 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 22 November 2015”
Linux, PHP, geeky stuff … boring man.
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 22 November 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 22 November 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 15 November 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 15 November 2015”
Some alternative bash things…. ( avoiding unneecessary use of cat / awk / grep …. )
Fed up installing updates to WordPress sites? Stick this in a cron job somewhere, and cross your fingers (a little)…. Continue reading “Lazy wordpress updating using wp-cli.phar”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 08 November 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 08 November 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 01 November 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 01 November 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 25 October 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 25 October 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 18 October 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 18 October 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 11 October 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 11 October 2015”
Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 04 October 2015
Continue reading “Automated twitter compilation up to 04 October 2015”