Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 18 March 2018
RT Girl crushes a cotton candy eating contest
RT This is no longer – by any normal definition of the word – a democracy. 2018/03/15
Spent the last day trying to figure out why something appeared to not be working. Discussed with coworker -> New ey… 2018/03/15
RT If you’re a vulnerability researcher and have a proven track record/a few CVE-IDs or more to your name and would li… 2018/03/14
RT When Nordstrom pulled Ivanka’s clothing line, Trump tweeted immediately and angrily denounced them.
When America’s… 2018/03/14
RT In loving memory of Stephen Hawking. It was an honor to have him on The #BigBangTheory. Thank you for inspiring us… 2018/03/14
RT Paying tribute to an inspirational man, innovator and scientist. #RIPStephenHawking
RT “Remember to look up at the stars & not down at your feet.Try to make sense of what you see & wonder about what mak… 2018/03/14
RT Sad to hear about Stephen Hawking. What a remarkable life. His contributions to science will be used as long as the… 2018/03/14
RT “Quiet people have the loudest minds.” – Stephen Hawking
RT Hey Birmingham! We’re looking for speakers of the future in #Birmingham at our events: if you have a subject, know… 2018/03/14
RT The world has lost a beautiful mind and a brilliant scientist. RIP Stephen Hawking 2018/03/14
RT Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificates and ACMEv2 are available today! More information can be found here: 2018/03/13
RT Smart Home Security
RT Russians have donated £826,000 to the Tory Party since the EU referendum. Imagine the outcry if Labour had received… 2018/03/12
RT There’s a delicious irony in Jeremy Corbyn being falsely smeared by the Tories as a Russian spy, and then a story e… 2018/03/11
RT finally, a monitor that will fit the entire name of my Java classes