Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 01 May 2016
Some stupid man burnt the #birthday cakes in the oven today. It was a sad moment seeing them all being thrown into the bin. 2016/04/30
RT Proposed pipe operator for PHP is one the most useful language additions in recent times. I hope it gets accepted. 2016/04/30
Year one : 99.7267759563% complete. 2016/04/30
RT Remember this the next time FBI asks for a security backdoor, and promises not to abuse it.
RT Shame hacking: attack on dating site for ‘beautiful people’ is actually pretty scary 2016/04/26
RT The FBI has said it will not comply with a court order to reveal its Tor Browser exploit “under any circumstances.”
RT [in ambulance]
“Can you describe the snake that bit you?”
Yes it was like an angry rope 2014/11/29
RT Security support for Wheezy handed over to the LTS team. 2016/04/25
RT Reposting this for those that don’t want to click through to FB, please read and RT. #JuniorDoctorsStrike
Today I wrote some Java. Not done that in many years. Syntax has moved on a bit since 2002/Java2 ! 2016/04/25
RT Save the Date!
PHP UK Conference is back February 16th & 17th 2017. Tickets are on sale now #phpuk17 2016/04/25
RT Reproduced in node, chrome, and firefox. Apologise your way out of this one, JS defenders. /cc @poebat
Woo. It looks like someone wants to restart @phpwm (Birmingham/West Mids PHP user group) 2016/04/24