Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 26 July 2015
RT OH: “your place is nice, I like the 50ft Ethernet cable from your living room to your bed, that’s a nice touch.” 2015/07/25
RT “Ban the burqa” they said. “It’s wrong to cover their faces” they said. #EDL brain-dead arseholes in Lincoln today
Seemingly wasted most of the morning trying to get kdump-tools / kdump to work on a Debian Jessie AWS ec2 hvm instance (r3). #didNotWork 2015/07/24
RT Universal Pictures finds pirate copy of Jurassic World on – and sends DMCA takedown
RT What happened when we decided to hire new staff anonymously:
RT For a Few Bytes More…
RT The hitman of the future will be a hacker. Forget financial gain. Digital killing and disruption will be the next big thing. 2015/07/22
Wrote as many LOC as I deleted today. Not all in the same language though. 2015/07/22
Dry fingers make for a very poor touch screen experience. 2015/07/21
I have an all-you-can-eat Google music subscription. Yet Google Play keeps trying to sell me albums/songs. Just let me listen to them ffs. 2015/07/21
RT Why are the accelerator peddle, steering & brakes even connected to the internet? Was this ever a good idea? 2015/07/21
RT sideways people, sideways!
RT Don’t get ill in America.
Headline: “Greece repays 2bn arrears to IMF.”. So they’ve refinanced and changed to a new credit card with an interest free holiday ? 2015/07/20
The @theresamaybot seems quite busy. I hope @gchq is more discreet …. 2015/07/20
RT 30K MongoDB instances are accessible from the Internet without authentication, containing 595Tb of data #infosec 2015/07/19
RT As I made my way down the ladder I partially closed the hatch. Being careful not to lock it on my way out. #Apollo11
RT Wanted: Dev with safe hands who likes a challenge and wants to work from anywhere Talk to me at #phpsc 2015/07/17
RT What a Pull Request looked like in 1988.
RT sorting algorithm (in one gif)
RT This is a serious indictment. How long can it carry on?