Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 05 April 2015
RT Fuck Cancer 2015/04/04
RT In McDonald’s.
8 Year Old is over the moon.
She’s won a MacBook.
She hands me the token.
She’s won a Big Mac.
2015/04/04 -
RT This is why you don’t blindly run docker containers or docker files….:
2015/04/03 -
RT Hahaha! I didn’t know the offline dinosaur in chrome is also a game. Just press space.
RT CMS or Custom?
RT thank god march is over and i don’t have to beware my IDE anymore 2015/04/03
RT Viewers should have a button to eject the leader who annoys us most. Not interactive enough. #leadersdebate 2015/04/02
RT Does Wales get less spending per head than Scotland? Why yes – and England gets less than either: #leadersdebate 2015/04/02
RT I am not sure the woman signing for the deaf was totally impartial #leadersdebate
RT last RT: the SNP want to build a big government DB of all citizens? Why do people keep wanting this horrible tool? Turn it in! 2015/04/02
RT Videos from #phpuk15 are now available on our YouTube channel! 2015/04/02
RT Google to drop China’s CNNIC Root Certificate Authority: #notrust 2015/04/02
RT I build a custom traceroute tool using HTTP packets to pinpoint the source of China’s attack on GitHub
2015/04/02 -
RT No more salt (password security): 2015/04/01
RT “@TheLadBible: ReviewLAD ” comment is brilliant.
RT This Is What It Looks Like When Men Are Allowed To Take 480 Days Of Paternity Leave 2015/04/01
RT I’m a very happy @bytemark customer. The Symbiosis platform is exactly what I wanted: a self-updating (security updates) VM running Debian. 2015/04/01
RT A very special thank you to the people at @bytemark for sponsoring a server for the community forum: #YouAreAce 2015/04/01
RT Debian #jessie is coming! How about a release party? 2015/04/01
RT Nice 2015/04/01
RT In honor of April Fool’s Day, I am giving all Fools a day off. There will be No Pity given out today. You’re welcome!… 2015/04/01
RT Good things come to those who… wait; #Debian #jessie will be stable on 2015-04-25: 2015/04/01
. @GoDaddy is having DNS problems ATM.
Apparently they’re going public this week – #InvestmentsCanGoUpAndDown 🙂
2015/03/31 -
RT Everyone working in or interested in UK tech/digital/web should try to watch @Marthalanefox‘s #doteveryone #DimblebyLecture on iPlayer! 2015/03/30
RT ‘Politicians are like nappies. They need to be changed often, and for the same reason’
#Election2015 2015/03/30 -
RT The UK Prime Minister: Create Dot Everyone – a public institution for the digital age via @UKChange 2015/03/30