Arbitrary tweets made by TheGingerDog up to 10 August 2014
Hola Barcelona. el Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona 2014/08/06
Time to run away from the rain. Bromsgrove 2014/08/06
RT 100 years ago. We owe so much to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice #LightsOut 2014/08/04
The spaces vs tabs war apparently wasn’t settled 10 years ago.I’m surprised someone said they use tabs. #programmerproblems
RT People who start wars but never die in them gather to remember those who had to fight or be shot
RT WW1 lasted 1567 days. If we take the low estimate of 40 million casualties, that’s 25526 each and every day. 2014/08/04
“Remember to charge your phone before you fly – they’re apparently a bit funny about that nowadays”. #helpfulMother 2014/08/04
Beware male cats!
RT 888,246 poppies tumble from the Tower of London to commemorate WWI fallen – Retweet this to the world…
I’ve finally moved into 2014 and added DKIM signatures to my email headers. :~) #postfix #dkim 2014/08/03